Maybe your introduction to the Magi of Matthew 2 was similar to mine—more musical than theological. As a child, the Christmas carol, “We Three Kings of Orient Are” told me there were three kings to go with the three gifts mentioned in the song: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Logically, I thought there must have been three camels (even though most nativity sets only come with one or two) and concluded they were thoughtful men coming a long way with some unusual baby gifts. As I grew up, I learned from hearing my pastor preach on the account in Matthew 2 that these men were important historical figures, and probably came with an impressive entourage. I did not realize, until a recent dig into some of our old seminary reference books, (The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, in case you are interested) the extent of their power and impact.
Those columns filled with historical information told more than we have time or space for here, but a few of those facts deepened my understanding of these men and their mission.
The Magi showed up in history in the 7th Century BC as an emerging tribe and in the 6th century became heads of the state religion by declaration of the king of the Medes. Most of us, however, find this combination of Chaldeans, Medes, and Persians doesn’t capture our attention until we read the book of Daniel and realize that the Jewish people are also intertwined with these nations. Daniel, captured by the Babylonians and trained in all their knowledge, eventually held high office among the Magi and was appointed their chief, or Rab Mag (Daniel 4:9). Still, he never abandoned his faith in the One, True God.
The writings of Daniel and Isaiah were both available to the Magi we read about in Matthew 2, not as three kings on camels, but as powerful, religious/political leaders, complete with military escort, seeking the king foretold hundreds of years in the past. Their motivation may have been academic curiosity, or political power, seeking a king they thought they might be able to install to their benefit. Whatever their reasons, they believed the prophecy and came to Jerusalem in complete anticipation of finding a king.
What about the religious leaders already in place in Jerusalem? We first hear of them in Matthew 2:4-6. Herod, in his terror of being overthrown by another king, called for the chief priests and scribes. Who were they?
In the Old Testament, the priests were entrusted with ministering at the altar, burning sacrifices, and teaching the law (Deuteronomy 33:8-10). The scribes were not simply those who wrote but were essentially interpreters of the law. One author called them men “schooled in the law and religious wisdom, understanding the implications of both written law and oral traditions.” As experts in the Law and the Prophets, we’d expect some sort of reaction from them at the Magi’s arrival. Instead, when a terrified Herod demanded information from the chief priests and scribes, they rattled off:
‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for from you shall come a ruler
who will shepherd my people Israel.’”
but even the possibility that the prophesied King of Kings had arrived does not appear to have rattled them. After 400 years of God’s silence, there is no evidence that the chief priests and scribes traveled the five or six miles from Jerusalem to Bethlehem to investigate what should have been the most exciting news of their lives. Instead, the next time we find the chief priests and scribes mentioned in Matthew, they are no longer apathetic. This Jesus did not fit the image they had of the Messiah, and twice He tells the disciples He would suffer and be killed at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and by the end of the book of Matthew, we see the chief priests among those plotting His death. Thankfully, both times Jesus told of his coming death he ended with, “and he will be raised on the third day.” The apathy that turned to murderous anger still did not stop the plan of God for our salvation.
What About Us?
In a recent sermon about the virgin birth, our pastor said, “It was not a human decision, but God’s decision to humble the world by using humble people.” Thankfully, there is also room for the rich and powerful, like the Magi, if they are willing to humble themselves before God and receive His gift of salvation. We may not know what fueled their anticipation to find the King, but we know that when they found Him, the Magi fell down in worship and obeyed the instructions not to return to Herod.
I’d love to say I have nothing in common with the chief priests and scribes, experts in the Scriptures, yet unmoved when the Truth arrived in human flesh. I would love to say that, but sometimes I overly anticipate the wrong thing and can be apathetic about the truth that should change me. I pray that meditation on this passage will humble us in worship like the Magi, and apathy is replaced with celebration of our Savior’s birth and anticipation of His coming again.