Latest Chapters

Filled With Contentment or Comparison?
In our age of technology, we are bombarded with picture upon picture of the “good life”— the idyllic home, the growing family, the...
Filled With Anticipation or Apathy?
Maybe your introduction to the Magi of Matthew 2 was similar to mine—more musical than theological. As a child, the Christmas carol, “We...
Filled with Wonder or Fear?
Fear is an emotion common to man, so common that the command most often repeated in Scripture is some form of “fear not.” But, fear isn’t...
Filled with Joy or Despair?
I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want is to be filled with despair. What if when someone describes me, they say, “She is nice...
Why Don’t We Pray?
Read your Bible and pray every day, pray every day, pray every day. Read your Bible, pray every day, and you will grow, grow, grow. Anyone...
Marriage—The Good and the Hard
This week, my husband and I celebrated three months of marriage. That won't sound like much to those who have been married for...
Returning to Egypt
Old habits — we all have some unhelpful patterns that we’ve learned to break, haven’t we? From biting nails to eating too much junk food...
Take the Next Step
January and February are, for the average Midwesterner, long, cold months. But this year, I experienced one of my most treasured...
Pride’s Pesky Perfectionism
Every facet of life (work, responsibilities, relationships) brings its own stress, but some of us put an exorbitant amount of pressure on...
Walking Through Church Hurt
Words escape you. The leaders you trusted let you down. The reasons vary, as do the weight of those scenarios. You, like many in Christian...
For Such A Time As This
Do you feel like we live in the shadow of grief? We are inundated with updates and videos of the latest heartbreak. We are exposed to...