The Promise of What Is

The Promise of What Is


A small word that starts a simple question.
But add if, and we create a whole world of tension.
We build these collections of unknowns
Founding the most unwanted, unwelcomed conditions.

We ask ourselves questions like…

What if the answer never comes, or what if it’s the dreaded outcome?
What if I stay invisible in the background?
What if my load causes me to drown?
What if my waiting never ends?
What if that friendship never mends?
What if the healing never appears?
What if my path is lonely and unclear?
What if ALL my hopes lead to utter disappointment?

Oh my friends,
Our questions require a keen adjustment.
Replace the f with an s and you’ll find
That the Father teaches us a different composition.
What IS far outweighs the what-if position
In Christ, what is gives life new definition.

As a treasured possession of our Creator, He chose us with unprompted favor.
He marked out our path before the horizon of time.
He loved us first, without reason or rhyme.
When we trust Him, He redeems us forever from our rebel endeavors.
God trades our sin for Christ’s perfection, gracing us with such kind intentions.
He gives us a glorious inheritance as our hearts become His permanent residence.

So when those what-ifs creep at our door,
Who He is will always promise more.

What if the answer never comes?
He is right beside me. His presence never disappears.
What if to others I remain invisible?
He is in my corner. Forgotten by Him? Impossible.
What if my efforts come up short?
He is my advocate, declaring me clear in heaven’s court.
What if my waiting never ends?
He is my unwavering strength, the truest of friends.
What if the healing never comes and I end my days alone?
He is my unchanging goodness, my sure cornerstone.

My friends, don’t you see?
No matter the question, the privilege of Christ is always worth the price.
What is forever outweighs the what-if position
For Christ IS life’s true definition.

My King 

My King 

Should I go left or should I go right?
If I go left I’ll be in a place strange and new.
If I turn right, some people will put up a fight.
How? How will I know what to do?

If I keep on straight, will life stay the same,
Or if step back will my plans go up in flames?

I think so deeply about my actions,
I am blinded to these pondering distractions,
Terrified my choices will be made in error.
When did I forget I am an image-bearer?

I may be a writer, a friend, and many other things.
But these simply surface what people see.
The fact is I am a child of the King.
How quickly I forget this royal decree.

When I placed my trust in Christ years ago,
He claimed me as His very own.
Each day He delights in helping me grow.
Each care and worry to Him is known.

Who is this King on mine?

He was there when it all began.
The heavens and billions of stars?
Yes, that was Him—all part of His plan,
As was the beautiful creation of man.

Adam and Eve tried to de-god the true God,
And although their choice left an everlasting stain,
The promised Son would bear the brunt of the rod,
Sacrificing Himself to free man from sin’s chain.

He has been present in every page of history.
No chapter has ever surprised Him.
Every line of what was, is, and will be is part of His story.
His faithfulness is the chorus of our lifelong hymn.

Each year brings the both/and,
Both reasons to celebrate the joys of blessings
And seasons to lament unbearable testings.
Still, He is the Father who always extends His hand.

He rejoices with me in the days of sun
And weeps with me in the shadow of sorrow.
His work is never done.
His kindness is the sunrise of all my tomorrows.

In Him, all things hold together,
He holds my hand no matter the weather.
So when it comes to deciding to go left or right,
Anxiety flees, for He is my guiding Light.

Crossroads will come throughout my days,
But when I walk hand in hand with my King,
My worries begin to fade.
Walking with Him is everything.