As I hang our stockings with care, I ponder life with a blank stare Busy with thoughts and worries, Always feeling in a hurry.
Some of us fill our minds with what-ifs, Not just discovering rare perfect gifts But wondering if the worst will come to be Waiting for peace gifted under our tree.
Some of us fill our days with tasks, Believing all our doing masks The emptiness we feel, Wondering if the gift of hope is real.
Some of us fill our thoughts with green-eyed intent Wanting more and yet always discontent Success becomes what we crave again and again Wishing joy’s gift wasn’t forever detained.
As I pause to ask, “What good is this time of year? Is it only to highlight our failures and fears? Can the birth of this Child, The one called meek and mild, Offer something more? Is there something I haven’t considered before?”
God sent His only Son as an infant, That alone makes this story different.
He didn’t arrive as a mighty warrior Defeating Israel’s enemies. He didn’t come as a political powerhouse Deafening high society’s murmurings. He didn’t emerge as a wise philosopher, Debating all the questions of the intelligentsia.
Instead, He had a beginning akin to ours. He grew from a single cell, Demonstrating a different kind of power. He grew as a boy to dwell Among His own people until the hour He would sacrifice Himself for mankind, Exactly as His Father had designed.
From infancy to manhood, He lived as we lived, Struggled as we struggled. He saw how hope diminished, joy deflated, and contentment disappeared.
But unlike us, joy flourished in His soul. He knew that He alone could make us whole.
The Sinless One from above, Defined the true meaning of love He lived the same struggles we face, Died to offer forgiveness and grace And rose again to defeat our sin Granting us the gift of peace within
That’s why this time of year, Brings to life such great cheer. He heals our weary souls With joy to make us whole.
“What good is this time of year? It does more than highlight our failures and fears. The One called meek and mild Offers man a chance to be reconciled.
His birth offers us more. That’s what I didn’t consider before. His arrival was just the start Of how He would heal our hopeless hearts.
For this Child brought what God decreed Salvation for sinners—man’s greatest need. Hope arrived for all the earth With the coming of our Savior’s birth.
After 30 years far from the crowds, His public ministry began. He chose twelve ordinary men, not perfect, sometimes easy to offend. But with their own eyes They saw the miracles that verified: The I AM stood before them.
As I AM, He offered bread for spiritual hunger Shone light to illumine the way, Stood as the door to welcome the strays Shepherded His own by name. As the Vine of the abundant life, He is the way, the truth, and the life.
To Him, they declared allegiance And echoed His praise And yet, they fled. How? Did they change their minds in a day? I could never, I would never Dream of something so obscene.
Then speaks this faint fear, Quiet, but oh so clear. Am I really that different? My defense quickly disappears.
I want to protest my case, Proving somehow I deserve grace, But then I look at how I treat others: I assume the worst of my brothers, And shut my eyes to the needs around me. My time is precious, that’s plain to see. Someone else will serve, most would agree. Someone else will support the homeless by the road, Someone else will stand up for those who cannot speak, Someone else will bear the unemployed´s load, Someone else will tell them of the hope they seek. I’m too busy earning standing and favor. Trying to become the greatest of them all, But perhaps my perspective is too small.
How blind am I? How long will I justify The standards I have made? When I define what is valuable and true Eventually, everything falls through. So when the three couldn’t stay awake, I realize, I’d have made the same mistake.
And Judas cared more for wages Than honoring the Rock of Ages. I wonder —what I would have done, If wealth is my chief aim? Who’s to say I wouldn’t have played that game?
Jesus led them to familiar ground, The Garden of Gethsemane. But the lessons had a different sound And the prayers of that night Seemed dark, almost out of place. The Man of Sorrows poured out His soul. The Father’s path charged a steep toll.
He cried, ¨Let this cup pass from me!¨ As they closed their eyes, Slumbering at His broken plea. ¨Not My will but Yours be done.¨ Now…His hour had finally come
¨Are you asleep?¨He asked. But He knew the answer, Knew they would desert Him, Knew they would betray Him. Yet He loved them to the end. Oh, how little they did comprehend.
With lanterns, torches, and weapons at their side The powers of darkness arrived. The betrayer handed over the Son of Man, Confirming his choice with the kiss of a friend Judas would soon meet greed’s sad end. He thought 30 pieces of silver Could somehow deliver From the worries of this life. Instead, he inherited eternal strife.
Over the years, Jesus calmed the storm’s mighty winds, He healed the lame and forgave sins, He brought unwanted children near, But in His hour of need, They forgot all His life decreed.
Not one of his friends stayed They could not even sit and pray. Three times they fell asleep, Three times He would be denied. They became the scattered sheep.
Their faults describe mine. Is this why He went to the tree? My unbelief is as deep as the sea.
The religious leaders then led Him to trial Relying on Roman enemies to complete their denial. Instead of falling at His feet, Jealous pride led them to mistreat The One whom the prophets foretold, But He wasn’t the Messiah they wanted to behold.
The disciples deserted Him The rulers resented Him And the crowds criticized Him. They all turned on Him. Do I?
As each morning breaks, So do the complexities of life. Yet we take more than we give. Take our health and community without a thought, Take our money and our time without thanks
Goodness we suppress And truth we downplay. On our own, all we see is darkness This has always been our way.
We long for hope to be life’s major chord. Will the song of joy ever be restored?
We forget what happened many years ago, When history took a surprising route. For in the quiet shadows, Hope was stirring about.
From the smallest of towns, A place often neglected, Came a King without a crown, The awaited One, yet unexpected.
His coming was proclaimed of old, To rescue us from the adversary, So all the world could behold This Prince of Peace, born to Mary.
For God did not just look on their suffering. He sent His very Son. So they were no longer left wondering. Immanuel had finally come.
The prophecies were no longer maybes, This child came from their own tribe, their kin. God became man and took on human skin, But could this world really be changed by a baby?
Longing for hope to be life’s major chord. Wondering if a song of joy could ever be restored. And this sinless little boy Grew to be a man That He might finally destroy Sin’s power, just as God planned.
This Wonderful Counselor showed understanding When men like Nicodemus came with questions. This Mighty God showed the extent of His power When He calmed the sea with a word. This Everlasting Father showed His kindness to the least of these When He beckoned the little ones to come to Him. This Prince of Peace showed mankind a different way When He taught them to love their enemies and turn the other cheek.
From the Bread of Life to the Man of Sorrows He was called by many names Yet all these titles proclaimed He was the one born to die The only One on whom we could rely To defeat the deep darkness of sin, That has corrupted the world from the start And dwells in our very hearts.
When He arose from the grave years later He showed He was greater Than the darkness of our soul The only One who makes our hearts whole.
Finally, Hope transposed into a major chord. Life’s song of joy is ever restored.
Oh that day. No matter what circumstances come my way, I will never forget that day.
The lot to offer incense finally fell to me; Me, a priest advanced in years. I could hardly believe that stunning decree, But I heard my name loud and clear.
All at once, I had two thoughts: One, God had extended mercy to me, His servant. And two, this was the encouragement we sought— Elizabeth’s faithful prayers had been so fervent.
But I must confess The day did not go as I’d guessed.
As I entered all alone A bright light appeared, And my heart turned to stone My eyes blinded by utter fear.
This is how my days will end (or so I thought), Then I heard what I could not comprehend. This terrifying being knew my name, And spoke to me. Was I going insane?
“Your prayers have been heard. You will have a son.” A son? No. That dream had long passed That part of our lives? That hope was done. Yet his speech went on—everything happened so fast.
Not only did he know my name, but Elizabeth’s too. He promised joy at our son’s birth And gave instructions to guide this life of great worth. He’d turn hearts of disobedience to the One who is true. He’d be filled with the Spirit and walk in Elijah’s power. After 400 years…was this the Messiah’s hour?
Not only did doubt creep into my heart But dismay and disbelief would not depart. From my view, this couldn’t be possible, So I declared what I thought probable.
“I am old and so is my wife, Can’t you see? How could this come true in my life, How could this possibly be?”
My words were rude and rash. My fear had made me brash.
“I stand in the presence of the Almighty One. You question not my ability but His. You will indeed be gifted a son But until then, your words will be none. God’s promises are true And His timing is never overdue.”
And just as quickly as he came, He was gone. My mind filled with a thousand thoughts— Had I really been in the wrong? I felt both hopeful and distraught.
And just as he said, I could not speak. My people understood I had seen a vision, I felt confused and weak. If all was to be as he decreed, Would Elizabeth believe this wondrous provision?
I bring my angst to the LORD, My tears bellow. And my God hears me. When everything is hopelessly heavy, I look for His hand, but I cannot seem to find it. I cry out all night without ceasing (Aren’t we told to pray without ceasing?) But I’m met with the imprisonment of my fears. I ache for freedom, only to find bars of worry.
I strain to think of who my God is, But I feel weak and utterly confused. He is the One that gives breath, Yet I have not the strength to utter a word.
I remember the days of seasons past. The treasured truths I used to sing on dark nights Are now transposed to a somber tune. I’ve uncovered a hidden refrain, I tremble to voice these words laced with pain.
Is the LORD disappointed in me? Has He shut off His kindness? Does He no longer see me? Does He no longer care? Have I failed so poorly that His love and grace no longer extend? Will my fears be met with unending silence? Will this night never end?
Stop. Soul, remember the mighty and majestic deeds of my God.
Your wonders, O God, know no bounds. Your rescue of our people is threaded throughout our history.
Your ways are pure and untainted by our sin. No idol can compare with Your Sovereign power. You make the unimaginable come to life, Display strength across the skies, and Restore Your people, time and time again.
When the waters saw Your face, They feared You. The dark sea recognizes Your voice. At Your command, the clouds follow Your direction To guide Your people and guard against their foes. The cracks of thunder and arrows of lighting show Creation is at Your beck and call. Your path is not peaceful But a plunge into the mighty depths, Without a wake to be traced. Still, Your people are never misplaced.
By Your kindness, You led through men like Moses and Aaron, mere mortals like me. You always mark the way for Your people to be free.